
Sunday, December 14, 2003

Check above for a fairly cheap way to call if you're yearning. You could check out the Chapman-Leff blog to the right if you're a non-believer. Take care.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Just a quick post to say that I finally did some recording for the voice job, and I wanted to pass on this great line. The woman in charge looked at me through the glass of the recording room and said, "Could you make this one sound like a 45 year old doctor, but remember, you're five inches tall." That was great enough, but the sound guy then said, "so, yeah, it could be worse." Soundguys.

Thursday, December 04, 2003

So, nothing seems to be coming of the voice job, but I've been out there doing some proof-reading all this week, and the other day, I had to edit some really terrible song lyrics. A la:

Where's the gold
Jasper where?
Where is it
Jasper where?

A rainbow here
a rainbow there
where's the gold
Jasper where?

There it is
there's the gold
It's called friendship
Friends are gold.

So imagine me brainstorming on the god damn song. For 20 minutes. "Perhaps it would be a bit more interesting if we tried to rhyme something besides 'gold' with 'gold.'?" etc. Then I said, you know I could write the music for this thing tonight, record it and bring you a demo CD tomorrow. And so I got the job. I hurried home and wrote two versions of the song--one slow, one fast and upbeat (I wish I could say I wrote one in the style of Kurt Weill and one in the style of The Sex Pistols, but I do like this job). Basically, the song sounds like it should. Happy. Catchy. You get the drill. So, I took it in the next day and they bought it for $25. Not much, I know, but it didn't take long and was a good time. I'll sell you a signed copy for $25. Nothing much else to report. I interviewed another place about doing a bunch of coffee table books about various pubs and hotels and clubs in Europe, but I don't think I'll get that one. I told them I was leaving in June, and she said, "That's very honest of you. I wouldn't tell anyone else that if you're looking for a job." And when I left I asked if that little comment about hitting the bricks in June hurt me and she smiled oh no no no no no. Still no call from them.

I went up to the Acropolis this morning with Kirsten and the rest of the A School Kids. We got some behind the scenes access and found a cannon ball (you can see where they hit the pedestals of the Parthenon if you look) and we were frozen by the wind up there. It was a good time and the light when the sun broke through was amazing. Afterwards, Kirsten and I went to our Falafel place where we eat $1.75 Falafel and then went across the street to get some curry and cumin. There was a huge block of dates with a knife sticking out of it to hack off what you wanted. All the spices are in great bins and cost nothing, so let me know if you need anything. Huge bins of spices! Cannon balls! Morning on the Acropolis! Ah, Humanity!

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